Message from Founding Trusties


J&A Global HSE Foundation
Message from the Founding Trustees & the Governance

We take this opportunity to introduce a noble mission that is Mission Humanity. Every day we lose over 4000 people due to road crashes, over 5000 more due to other safety related industrial & other incidents around the globe. Medical Mistakes/errors kill about 1000 daily in the US costing nearly $30 billion per year. MVAs kill 130/day. The list is endless, and yet, safety is often neglected and relegated to maintenance dumpsters. Many Corporate leaders consider their safety performance is good enough and are happy with the status quo.
This leads to enormous Psycho – Socio– Economic losses & sufferings to mankind, assets, environment & all other living beings. We, a team of accomplished professionals in health & safety related fields with substantial experience, put our heads together & decided that this suffering to living beings must be curtailed by collective & concerted efforts. That’s why, J&A Global HSE Foundation is to take up the challenges for making a difference.
The Foundation’s Mission is to protect human lives, property, and endeavor to reducing economic losses, production upsets and damage to environment. The Foundation considers that we owe our responsibility to the world irrespective of geographical boundaries, caste, creed & religion.
The Foundation is to help people come together in the community to create a sense of awareness, understanding, professional development, support leadership to implement effective local, national, and international health, safety, and environment programs, to eliminate injuries, diseases and sufferings to all living beings including humans, animals, plants and/or other living creatures of present and future. The Foundation is committed to make this World a Healthy and Safer place to live! We start from our students, our professionals in the field, and one & all who is passionate in mission-humanity. We want to reach to every nook & corner of this globe to make sure that no one is deprived of the privilege of safety.
The Foundation intends to collaborate with individuals, professional organizations, regulatory government authority, educational institutions, and make every effort to reach out to one & all, who is passionate about making this world safe & willing to contribute. The Foundation believes that the God has given us one life & in this lifetime, if we can make a difference in the lives of others, through knowledge-sharing, through our contacts, through our shared resources and values, we consider that as the life is well-lived. The Foundation trusts in the concept of GIVING in whatever way possible for the welfare of all living beings Globally.
The Foundation believes that the opportunities could be made available for working together to advancing the Humanitarian Mission of saving lives, property, and environment. Therefore, a forum is provided for meeting, sharing, fostering, and promoting HSE profession by means of education, training, auditing, consulting, and R&D activities for betterment and advancement of the HSE Profession and of the HSE Professionals. The Foundation would specially focus on providing education and developmental opportunities to the deserving individuals extending humanity.
As Founding Trustees and the Governance Body members of the J&A Global HSE Foundation, we feel truly honored and privileged to extend a very warm welcome to you all to join and support the J&A Global HSE Foundation, being a Charitable professional organization, dealing with health, safety, and environment professionals in India and Globally.
Over 700 deaths and nearly 4000 serious injuries get reported daily in India on the roads alone. Health related illnesses due to poor hygiene are rising exponentially. India is having the highest fatal occupational workplace injuries requiring immediate and on-going remedial actions. At the same time, infrastructure and construction industry in India has taken a leap among other sectors. This has created a huge need for HSE professionals. Many foreign companies are also involved in mega projects. To complete important projects on-time without any incidents, project management embeds best international HSE practices. HSE experts suggest that the main problem faced by Indian industries, is unskilled or semiskilled workforce that lack the required education and training in good HSE practices.
The Foundation is also aware of the new emerging occupational risks globally caused by technical innovation, or social or organizational change. Nanotechnology has applications in health care, biotechnology, clean energy production, information and communication technology, chemicals, and electronics, military, and agriculture and construction industries. The risks associated with the manufacturing and usages of Nanomaterials are largely being assessed.
A safety culture is the one where governments, employers and workers actively participate in securing a safe and healthy working environment and duties where the highest priority is given to the principle of prevention. This is the prime focus area of the Foundation. The Foundation is currently designed to self-govern by the Founding Trustees supported by the Governance Body Members. who would establish and implement policies and procedures to advance the objectives of the Foundation!
The Foundation’s vision is to provide educational and developmental opportunities for all individuals aspiring to pursue a career in a HSE field. The Foundation has ambitious goals to provide scholarships or grants, mentorship, leadership, and a collaborative platform to share best practices across industry, academia, healthcare, R&D, and other public and private sectors. As a charitable organization, the Foundation intends to ensure underserved and underrepresented individuals with the desire to make an impact as a HSE professional will have access to the resources they need to succeed. The Foundation has plans to assist the families of workplace accidents extending humanity.

Jitu C Patel, FASSP,CPEA
J&A Global HSE Foundation Trustees
June 05, 2022