J&A GHF Mission is to enhance HSE Profession and HSE Professionals with the concept of Thinking Globally and Acting Locally.
Bi-Annual Flip Book
Bi-Annual Activities Update Bulletin (March 2022 – February 2024), Scan the QR Code or Click the link: https://heyzine.com/flip-book/e0ab962367.html

Ashok Garlapati participated in ASSE Global Taskforce and provided several recommendations for the benefit of international ASSE members. One of the key recommendations which benefited the international members is the membership fee is introduced based on the World Bank Criteria.
Ashok Garlapati participated in ASSE Board of Director’s meeting and seconded the motion of establishment of ASSE Nigeria Chapter
Ashok Garlapati was honored with ASSE Charles Culbertson Award for his outstanding contributions for the Global Taskforce.
Ashok Garlapati provided the guidance and advice to ASSP-KC Executive members on various issues, Technical Committee Member of Professional Development Conferences conducted by Kuwait Chapter as its Advisory Board member till today.
Ashok Garlapati was the first international member to take the role of Assistant Administrator of International Practice Specialty of ASSP for the period 2008-10. He participated in the promotion of IPS programs, represented IPS in Singapore Society of Safety Engineers event in 2008. Recognized with the certificate of appreciation. from ASSP for his support in IPS.
Jitu Patel supported ASSP International practice Specialty as IPS membership Chair activities.
Ashok Garlapati played a key role in introducing ASSE GCC HSSE Excellence Award for Private sector companies under ASSE Kuwait Chapter.
Ashok Garlapati is the first international ASSE Member to enter in the ASSP Membership President Court by sponsoring more than 200 ASSE members.
Ashok Garlapati registered as a Mentor in Board of Certified Safety Professionals, USA and mentored more than 250 members around the World in attaining their BCSP certifications
In order to foster the profession and helping new ASSP members, Ashok Garlapati obtained OSHA Outreach Trainer Certification for General Industry and Construction Industry. Ashok has provided the OSHA training for more than 150 ASSP Members and supported the fostering of their professional development at a highly subsidized rates.
Ashok Garlapati recognized with ASSE Region VI Society Professional of the Year Award for his outstanding contributions.
Jitu Patel and Ashok Garlapati played an instrumental in establishing ASSE Ecuador Section
Ashok Garlapati served as a member and later as a Chairman of the ASSP Diversity Committee and helped in introducing diversity award, ASSP Diversity Policy etc.
Ashok Garlapati was recognized with ASSP Society Safety Professional of the year (SPY) award for his outstanding contributions.
Jitu Patel was recognized with ASSP Fellow, the first international member to get recognized with this highest honor 2012 Jitu Patel was awarded with ASSP’s Diversity Award
Jitu Patel and Ashok Garlapati were appointed by ASSP as Ambassadors for ME, India and SE Asia recognizing their efforts in ASSP outreach activities and focus more in the global area. They were instrumental in establishing ASSP Chapters in different parts of the World ie India ( 4 chapters at Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashtra), Pakistan and UAE and also represented ASSP in several international conferences / Forums.
They were instrumental in establishing /pursuing ASSP Student Sections (UPES-Dehradun, NICMAR-Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, HNGU & Bharuch – Gujarat, Chennai TN, Calcutta.)
Ashok Garlapati was part of the Society Taskforce Member for development of Global Safety Management course exclusively for Global HSE professionals and further delivered Train The Trainer course for ASSP Kuwait members,.
Ashok Garlapati was honored with ASSE International Practice Specialty Award for his outstanding contributions
Ashok Garlapati was elected as first Vice President of newly formed Global Region in the year 2015. Later it was renamed as Region IX to align with other existing Regions
He was instrumental in establishing a process for newly formed Region IX Chapters with three Areas in line with Society Region Operating Procedures. During his period,
and series of efforts and virtual ROC calls, Region IX won the Region membership challenge 2016-17 with focused member recruitment campaign conducted among all Regions. With the support of Jitu Patel, he helped the Region IX as fully functional in line with Society Operating Procedures within a short span of time
Jitu Patel was honored with ASSE International Practice Specialty Award for his outstanding contributions.
Ashok Garlapati has been appointed as International Advisory Committee member by Board of Certified Safety Professionals to help BCSP outreach plans.
Jitu Patel and Ashok Garlapati was instrumental in establishing ASSE-DL SHAH Trust HSSE Awards program to recognize the individuals who have excelled in HSE profession.
Ashok Garlapati has been appointed as a Ambassador of Board of Certified Safety Professionals and played a key role in obtaining ASP waiver for CLI/RLI Safety Diploma Certificate and State Technical Boards in India.
Ashok Garlapati attained the status of Chartered Fellow of Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (CFIOS), UK. He is first Indian to get this status amongst 176 holders around the World.
Ashok Garlapati was appointed as a International Advisory Committee member of IOSH-UK Offshore Group.
Ashok Garlapati participated in the Working Group to develop guidelines for safe system of work in confined spaces by IOSH-UK and European Bank for Reconstruction & Development
Jitu Patel has been appointed as Advocate of Board of Certified Safety Professionals, USA.
Ashok Garlapati was selected as a Board of Director for Board of Certified Safety Professionals, USA. He is the first international member to represent in BCSP Board.
Jitu Patel and Ashok Garlapati were instrumental in establishing a Global Society of HSE Professionals in India with the support of like-minded professionals with the concept of Thinking Globally and Acting Locally. GSHP has been fully established with its Governance Structure within India and Ambassadors have been appointed in around 6 countries.
Ashok Garlapati was bestowed with ASSE Fellow Honor for his outstanding contributions to HSE profession.
Ashok Garlapati has been approved as an Authorized GlobalOSHA Trainer and provided Global OSHA Training to ASSP Kuwait and ASSP Nigeria Chapter members.
Ashok Garlapati has been appointed as a committee member of ASSP Technical & Professional Recognition Committee.
Jitu Patel and Ashok Garlapati established the J&A Global HSE Foundation as Founding Trustees with the concept of Thinking Globally and Locally.